RE Vision
Every child at St Katharine’s will have the opportunity to flourish in RE through the high-quality, sequential teaching of a range of religious traditions and worldviews. Children will explore, ask and answer challenging questions through an enquiry-based approach, drawing on the disciplines of theology, philosophy and social sciences as a way of understanding what others believe and how this can impact on the way they may choose to live.
A learner in RE will:
Acquire a rich, deep knowledge of a variety of beliefs and practices
Explore core concepts relating to religious traditions and worldviews
Develop both knowledge of religious traditions and worldviews and skills, including enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection
Understand the role of foundational texts, beliefs, rituals and practices in a range of religious traditions and worldviews
Engage in discussions which encourage spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Show tolerance of and respect for different religious traditions and worldviews
Appreciate the diverse, global nature of religious traditions and worldviews
Explore their own religious, spiritual and/or philosophical ways of seeing, living, thinking, believing and belonging

RE Curriculum
This document shows the progression of RE from Early Years to Year 6 - it is an overview of what the children learn across the school called our progression pathway.
Below are some examples of RE across the school.
Early Years Big Question: Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?
Children in Early Years worked collaboratively to create their own Easter garden. They justified their decisions and explained the symbolism and meaning behind each of the items used. They then used the Easter garden to act out parts of the Easter story.
Year 3 Big Question: Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?
As part of this enquiry, children in Year 3 acted out the events of Holy Week and compared the images of the cross that are often used in a Good Friday service compared with an Easter Sunday service. They also reflected on the emotions of Jesus’ mother, Mary, and how these may have changed significantly throughout Holy Week.
Year 4 Big Question: How important is it that Jewish people do what God asks them to do?
The children in Year 4 enjoyed a visit from Lynda, who explained the significance of the Jewish Seder meal.
The children tasted the symbolic foods and learnt traditional Jewish stories and songs which are often shared in Jewish homes to celebrate Passover.
Year 6 Big Question: What kind of king is Jesus?
The children in Year 6 used the ‘Big Frieze’ and the Lord’s Prayer to consider the concept of the Kingdom of God.
They made links between these ideas and how the themes of The Lord’s Prayer can influence their own lives and the wider world. The children then went on to express their own thoughts and ideas about the importance of this.

RE Policy
Read our policy to find out more about the aims of RE and how it supports spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and fundamental British values.
RE Handbook
Our handbook is written as a guide for our teachers but is a useful reference for parents about how RE is taught at st Katharine's.